Do Car Emergency Starters Have Anti-Theft Features?

August 03,2023


Car emergency starters have gained popularity for their ability to jump-start a vehicle’s dead battery. However, many people wonder if these devices also have anti-theft features. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of anti-theft functionality in car emergency starters and discuss the potential benefits and limitations.

Understanding Car Emergency Starter

Car emergency starters, also known as jump starters or booster packs, are portable power banks designed to provide a high current output to start a vehicle’s engine. They typically consist of a built-in battery, jumper cables, and various safety features. While their primary purpose is to jump-start a vehicle, some models may offer additional functionalities.

Anti-Theft Features in Car Emergency Starters

  1. Alarm System: Some car emergency starters come equipped with an alarm system that can be activated when the device is disconnected or tampered with. This feature can deter potential thieves and alert the vehicle owner or nearby individuals of unauthorised access.
  2. GPS Tracking: Certain advanced car emergency starters may have built-in GPS tracking capabilities. This allows the owner to track the location of the device and, by extension, the vehicle. In the event of theft, this feature can aid in recovering the stolen vehicle.
  3. Immobiliser Function: A few car emergency starters offer an immobiliser function, which prevents the vehicle from being started without the presence of the starter. This feature adds an extra layer of security by rendering the vehicle inoperable for unauthorised individuals.

Benefits of Anti-Theft Features

  1. Deterrence: The presence of anti-theft features in car emergency starters can act as a deterrent to potential thieves. The alarm system and immobiliser function can discourage unauthorised access and make the vehicle less attractive to thieves.
  2. Recovery Assistance: In the unfortunate event of theft, car emergency starters with GPS tracking capabilities can aid in locating and recovering the stolen vehicle. This feature can significantly increase the chances of retrieving stolen property.

Limitations and Considerations

  1. Cost: Car emergency starters with anti-theft features may be more expensive compared to basic models. The added functionality and technology contribute to the higher price point.
  2. Effectiveness: While anti-theft features can provide an additional layer of security, they are not foolproof. Determined thieves may find ways to bypass or disable these features. It is important to remember that anti-theft features in car emergency starters are not a substitute for comprehensive vehicle security systems.
  3. Compatibility: When considering a car emergency starter with anti-theft features, it is crucial to ensure compatibility with your vehicle. Some models may only be compatible with specific vehicle makes and models.

Additional Vehicle Security Measures

While car emergency starters with anti-theft features can enhance vehicle security, it is important to implement other security measures for comprehensive protection. These may include installing a car alarm system, using steering wheel locks, parking in well-lit areas, and practising general vehicle security precautions.


Car emergency starters can indeed have anti-theft features that provide added security for your vehicle. These features, such as alarm systems, GPS tracking, and immobiliser functions, can act as deterrents and aid in the recovery of stolen vehicles. However, it is important to consider the limitations and compatibility of these features. Remember that anti-theft features in car emergency starters are not a substitute for comprehensive vehicle security systems but can be a valuable addition to your overall security measures.